The Element radio certification team is fully ISO 17065 accredited to provide the fast and efficient certification services you need to bring your products to market.

For Europe, Element provides EU RED Notified Body services in support of EU-Type Examination for radio products when there is no harmonized standard available. In North America and Japan, Element offers the mandatory certification services required to enable you to put your products onto the market in these regions.

Our expert team will support you through the certification process for a number of key regulatory and voluntary radio certifications. We can test, certify and approve your products for multiple markets and project manage to reduce costs and deliver faster certification times.

Further afield, our Global Market Approval team help you gain the necessary wireless device and radio approval for 152 countries worldwide.


Our team of over 6,700 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.