


Two approaches are used to assess the fatigue sensitivity of welds; small-scale testing on extracted coupons, and full-scale testing on entire welds:

  • 小规模测试, while cheaper, has several limitations. The residual stress profile of the weld is altered by coupon extraction, the applied stress profile is not representative of operation, and it can miss stress-sensitive features present in the original weld.
  • 全尺寸测试相反,允许通过旋转弯曲应力来测试整个焊缝而不改变其应力分布,从而更精确地模拟服务中所示的应力条件。这种应力可以通过使用大型设备来机械弯曲焊接管柱,或通过振动在其自然谐振频率附近的测试串(近谐振方法)。这样的优点是它可以使用相对较小的低功率的振动电动机在样品中产生高应力范围。它测试了完整的360度的周长焊缝,它可以提供更高的周期频率(一般:25-30 Hz),这加速了测试。



  • 它允许每个钻机成为mobile,允许在元素和客户端站点之间快速轻松调动。
  • 它creates an内在障碍between the test equipment and personnel by limiting access and improving security, as well as increasing safety for operators and site staff.
  • 它enables tests to beremotely monitoredthrough the use of external workstations and CCTV cameras.
  • 消除对架空提升的需求在样品负载期间由于存在集成的双向葫芦系统。
  • 它允许钻机位于现场建筑物之外的未覆盖区域内,释放宝贵的楼层空间。

To find out how our experts can advise on weld fatigue testing on catenary risers, or to request a quote,contact us今天。

有关更多信息,您可以下载我们的White Paper "Fatigue Testing of Pipeline Girth Welds using Resonance Technique"in the亚慱体育怎么下载部分。



设计假设通常表示为满足标准中给出的特定设计曲线的要求和覆盖耐钢结构疲劳性的特定设计曲线,例如DNVGL-RP-C203,BS7608,API RP2A-WSD或UK DOE海上设施:指导关于设计,建设和认证。yabo官网入口

Element has experience with testing for conformance to all of these documents. Although SCR full-scale fatigue tests are conducted ‘in-air,’ ‘knock-down’ factors can be applied to testing requirements to account for environmental conditions. We can assist with the determination of these factors through environmental small-scale fatigue testing at one of our corrosion testing facilities.

Our team of over 5,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.