Since the 1970's, Element has performed air pollution monitoring and testing services for industrial and manufacturing clients.

We offer a comprehensive suite of services to help companies comply with these air quality regulations, including accurate sampling, analyzing, and measuring organic compounds, metals, and other toxics in source emissions. Our staff of experienced engineers and scientists design cost-effective programs to help clients demonstrate compliance with federal, state and local regulatory agency permits and regulations. Mobile emissions test trailers generate real-time data for many pollutants, enabling us to measure compliance with emission limits onsite.

We provide specialized sampling and analytical methods for criteria pollutants such as PM, SOx, NOx, CO , VOCs, CO 2, as well as hazardous and toxic air pollutants such as speciated volatile and semi-volatile organics, acids, bases, alcohols, H2S and reduced sulfurs, dioxins & furans, metals, and more. Element can also certify your facility-required CEMS in order to comply with state permits and EPA NSPS, MAC T and Acid Rain requirements.

Our scientists stay current with industrial and legislative changes to ensure that your compliance program is efficient and up-to-date.

Our testing capabilities include:


  • Flare stack testing
  • Fence line monitoring
  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) testing
  • Indoor air monitoring
  • Cooling tower monitoring
  • Pipeline leaks or storage tank leak troubleshooting
  • Air Toxic Sampling and Analysis
  • Source emissions Testing
  • BIF Source Testing


Element conducts the following EPA and State Reference Methods:
  • EPA 40CFR60, Appendix A : Methods 1 through 20, 22,23,25A,26,26A and 29 40CFR51, Appendix M : Methods 201A, 202 40CFR61, Appendix B : Methods 101A, 106 40CFR63, Appendix A : Methods 306, 308, 315, 323
  • EPA CTM-027
  • EPA OTM-29
  • EPA SW-846 Test Methods including 0010, 0011 & 0011A, 0012, 0030, 0050 & 0051
  • Various State Regulatory Agency Test Methods
  • EPA Method 0010
  • EPA Method 0011 - EPA Method 0011A - EPA Method 0012 - EPA Method 0030 - EPA Method 0050 - EPA Method 0051 -
  • EPA Method 1 - EPA Method 2 - EPA Method 3 - EPA Method 4 - EPA Method 5 - EPA Method 6 - EPA Method 7 - EPA Method 8 - EPA Method 9 - EPA Method 10
  • EPA Method 11 - EPA Method 12 - EPA Method 13A - EPA Method 13B - EPA Method 14 - EPA Method 17 - EPA Method 18 - EPA Method 19 - EPA Method 20
  • EPA Method 22 - EPA Method 23 - EPA Method 25A - EPA Method 26 - EPA Method 26A - EPA Method 29 - EPA Method 30B

Facilities Tested

  • Refineries
  • Chemical Plants
  • Wood Products Plants
  • Paper Mills
  • 管道
  • Power Stations
  • Manufacturing Plants
  • Hazardous Waste Facilities

Source Types

  • FCCU's
  • Boilers
  • Furnaces
  • Incinerators
  • Thermal Oxidizers
  • Flares
  • Baghouses
  • Calciners
  • Scrubbers
  • Dryers
  • RTO's
  • Turbines
  • Compressor Engines

Our team of over 5,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.

Make an inquiry today