
Element的端到端产品测试和开发服务为柜台,宇宙和个人护理产品的整个产品开发生命周期提供了支持。我们专门的,知识渊博的咨询团队在安全和性能测试方面具有丰富的经验,包括OTC产品的汇编,专着和药物测试,保质期和稳定性测试,产品故障和不纯测试,重新制定,配方,变形, 和创新产品开发。深入了解不断发展的监管和消费者景观,包括行业趋势以及不断变化的法规,Element始终提供量身定制的行业领先项目,以满足您的特定需求。

我们的专家配方和开发科学家保持最新的所有监管要求,以确保产品符合不断发展的标准。元素has extensive experience in safety and regulatory testing, including developing, validating, optimizing and verifying methods for releasing nonprescription (over the counter) drug products and personal care products that are regulated by the FDA’s Over-the-Counter Final Monograph for Skin Protectant Drug Products guidance. Our team has deep experience and expertise successfully developing and validating analytical methods as well as releasing products with complex matrices and active ingredients, including those that contain colloidal oatmeal and other skin protectants. Expedite speed-to-market and ensure the safety, quality and efficacy of your OTC topical products, cosmeceuticals and personal care products with Element’s comprehensive product development and testing services.


  • 汇编测试
  • 方法验证
  • 方法开发,验证,优化和转移
  • 稳定计划和保质期研究
  • 污染物识别
  • 原材料的选择和验证
  • 故障分析
  • 变形和产品逆向工程
  • 产品创新,配方和过程开发
  • 产品重新制定
  • 扩大和制造支持
  • 产品性能测试
  • 包装选择和兼容性测试
  • 宇宙安全测试
  • 宇宙产品筛选(乳化剂,防腐剂,甲醛,合成香料,杂质和污染物)
  • 知识产权和诉讼支持


With a proven history of success solving complex technical challenges in existing formulations and developing new innovative formulations through product research, testing and development services, Element’s team of engaged scientific and industry experts have the expertise, know-how and state-of-the-art technology needed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Achieve your goals with Element’s fully customizable, comprehensive programs incorporate the assays, methods and advanced instrumentation tailored to address the regulatory and industry expectations of your end-market, securing your competitive advantage in the OTC, cosmeceutical and personal care product space.


