
元素Washington, Columbia, Mendenhall (formerly known as PCTEST Columbia) was founded in 1989 by a group of former Federal Communications Commission (FCC) engineers, to meet the growing needs of many of the world’s leading technology product manufacturers, to have their products and devices independently tested against a diverse range of FCC regulatory requirements.


2011年元素华盛顿州华盛顿州,Mendenhall成为4G /长期演进(LTE)的Verizon无线授权测试设施,当时称其服务范围称为。


Strategically located within walking distance of the FCC’s lab in Columbia, Maryland and half an hour drive from Washington DC, Element Columbia is now the preferred, independent test house for many of the major cell/smart phone and electronic device manufacturers operating world-wide today.



  • 华盛顿A2LA 204101证书
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  • 华盛顿A2LA 204103证书
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  • 华盛顿CCF证书
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  • 华盛顿FCC驾驶室名称A2LA
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  • 华盛顿FCC驾驶室名称NVLAP
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  • 华盛顿NIST PH1认可
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  • 华盛顿NIST PH1韩国RRA
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  • 华盛顿州NMI证书
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