About Element Toronto - Fire Testing

Element Toronto - Fire Testing is an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory and recognized leader in the evaluation of material and system behavior to national and international fire safety standards.

Located in the Greater Toronto area, we assist engineers, manufacturers, and consultants evaluate and push the boundaries of design and performance. Our test capabilities coupled with Building Science and Transportation services help improve safety, performance and product development.

The behavior of a burning object in a developing fire will have an impact on how easy it is for people to escape from the scene. Even when reaction to fire testing is not required under the regulations, a relevant insurer or authority may request improvements to fire performance, for which testing is required.

Element Toronto - Fire Testing's reaction to fire testing services help to not only to improve a manufacturer’s knowledge of a product, but to provide a competitive advantage by demonstrating the product’s superior reaction to fire qualities.

Approvals, accreditations and documents

  • Toronto Fire CPSC Scope
    PDF - 96.46 KB Download
  • Toronto Fire IAS ISO 17025 Accreditation
    PDF - 371.29 KB Download

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