Composite material testing helps manufacturers understand the properties of constituents that go into a finished composite product. Raw material test methods may include physical, thermal, and mechanical testing.

Testing the raw materials used to manufacture composites is an essential step in measuring whether the end material will be fit for purpose and insuring batch to batch consistency.

Common composite constituents

Composites are made from two or more constituents with significantly different chemical or physical properties. Within the final structure, these constituent materials remain separate and distinct while influencing the endurance properties of the composite material.

The most common raw materials used are fibers, resins, pre-preg (or semi-processed materials), fillers and additives, adhesives, and core materials.

Understanding out time and shelf life

Many raw materials have a limited shelf life under cold storage conditions, and an even shorter useful life while being assembled at room temperature. The amount of time a material is at room temperature is often referred to as out time. Our testing services help provide guidance for determining shelf life and out time for raw materials. Testing an expired material could result in data that supports an extension of shelf life.

Composite material testing

Composite raw material testing is useful for manufacturers to gain understanding of the physical properties of each constituent before combining. We offer a variety of measurement techniques for evaluating raw materials, including:

Composite testing at Element

元素’s global network of laboratories provide physical, thermal, and mechanical testing for a range of constituent materials, pre-impregnates, and adhesives. Whether testing to a specific standard or developing a custom program, our composite experts can provide you with accurate, reliable results.

有关我们复合原材料测试服务或要求报价的更多信息,contact us today.

Standards we test to

ASTM International

ASTM D792, ASTM D1002, ASTM D1781, ASTM D2734, ASTM D3167, ASTM D3171, ASTM D3418, ASTM D3529, ASTM D3530, ASTM D3531, ASTM D7028, ASTM E2602


ISO 1183-1,ISO 2286-2,ISO 11357-2

European Standards

EN 2329, EN 2330, EN 2331, EN 2332, EN 2557, EN 2558, EN 2559, EN 2560, EN 2564, EN 6032, EN 6041, EN 6064
