Noise and vibration are significant issues affecting many aspects of society in both the environment and the workplace. The life-changing effects range from general annoyance and sleep disturbances to life-changing physical effects such asnoise-induced hearing loss要么hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS)由在危险条件下工作的长期暴露引起的。

元件’s team of experts are members of the Institute of Acoustics (IOA) and the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS). We can provide specialist testing, assessment, and modeling services in all areas of environmental and workplace acoustics with cutting edge equipment and technology. These include:

Noise assessments


  • Environmental noise and vibration assessments to support the planning process
  • 环境影响评估(EIA)
  • Environmental permitting support
  • BS 4142:2014 + A1:2019评估
  • 建设和拆迁评估
  • Road traffic, rail, and aviation noise assessments

Acoustic noise modeling


  • Environmental noise and vibration modeling in support of planning applications
  • Noise modeling using Computer Aided Noise Abatement (CadnaA) software


Many residential and industrial areas have a legal vibration limit. Construction, demolition activities, railway lines, and busy roads provide a significant vibration impact. It is critical to determine the potential vibration impact on the surrounding areas and structures before any construction or demolition activities commence. Element’s vibration surveys will provide you with certainty that your project remains below the vibration limit.

Standards & Guidance

  • British Standards Institution [BS] 7445-1:2003 - Description and measurement of environmental noise. Guide to quantities and procedures. BSI, London.
  • British Standards Institution [BS] EN 61672-1:2003 Electroacoustics. Sound level meters. Specifications. BSI, London.
  • British Standards Institution [BS] 6472-1:2008 Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings. Part 1: Vibration sources other than blasting, BSI, London.
  • 英国标准研究所[BS] 7385-2:1993建筑物振动的评估和测量。第2部分,来自地面振动的损伤水平指南。BSI,伦敦。
  • British Standards Institution [BS] 5228-1:2009+A1:2014 “Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites – Part 1: Noise”.
  • British Standards Institution [BS] 5228-2:2009+A1:2014 “Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites – Part 2: Vibration”.
  • British Standards Institution [BS] 8233: Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction for Buildings. BSI, London.
  • British Standards Institution [BS] 4142:2014+A1:2019 Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound, BSI, London.
  • Department of Transport, Welsh Office (1988). Calculation of Road Traffic Noise. HMSO, London.
  • 环境保护法(1990年)。HMSO,伦敦。
  • The Control of Pollution Act (1974). HMSO, London.
  • Environment Agency (2004). Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control [IPPC] Version 3 Horizontal Guidance for Noise Part 2 – Noise Assessment and
  • Control. Environment Agency, Bristol.
  • 高速公路局(2011年)。道路和桥梁设计手册,第11卷,第3节,第7部分:噪音和振动。高速公路机构。
  • 国际标准化组织(1996年)。ISO 9613-2:1996声学 - 在户外传播过程中的声音衰减 - 第2部分:计算一般方法。瑞士ISO。
  • International Organization for Standardization (2010). ISO 3744:2010 Acoustics –Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure -- Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane. ISO, Switzerland.
  • Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (2018). National Planning Policy Framework. OGL, London.


Please联系我们if you have any questions about acoustics testing or requirements.

