Element’s soil testing laboratory provides specialist pH testing and salinity analysis to help farmers diagnose and manage problems associated with soil fertility.

Salinity and pH are two chemical factors that affect plant nutrition and soil fertility. Most plant nutrients are optimally available to plants within 6.0 to 7.5 pH range; high salt levels in soil hinder water absorption, causing drought-like effects in the plant.

Salts tend to accumulate in low, poorly drained areas and in areas with low rainfall and high evaporation. Soils may also become saline because of land use, including the use of fertilizers, most of which are salts, or irrigation water with high salt levels. By undertaking soil salinity testing, you can minimize the damaging impact on plant growth.

Element’s soil laboratory offers expert pH testing and salinity analysis to evaluate problems due to the accumulation of salts in soil, helping you ensure that its effects do not limit plant growth.

Soil pH testing and salinity analysis

Our experts perform soil salinity tests in conjunction with the pH test using a 1:2 soil-to-water mixture and a conductivity meter. Electrical conductivity (EC) measures the ability of the soil solution to conduct electricity and is expressed in decisiemens per meter (dS/m). An EC greater than 2 dS/m indicates areas of a field that May exhibit potential effects on the growth and yield of salt sensitive plants.

The tolerance of crops to salinity can vary, and some may be negatively affected at ECs less than 2 dS/m. For example, Timothy grass, peas and field beans can be sensitive to salinity, canola, flax, oats, wheat and barley are more salt-tolerant, and beets and asparagus tend to be very tolerant.

Working with Element

At Element, we provide a complete suite of laboratorytesting services for the analysis of soil. We employ a variety of soil testing methodologies and advanced technology to deliver accurate, reliable results that help you ensure compliance with the relevant regulations for your industry.

While some of our services include the analysis of soil and water for nutrients, Element also specializes in the analysis of potentially harmful contaminants such as volatile and semi-volatile compounds, metals, petroleum, herbicides, and pesticides.

To learn more about our soil testing services, or to speak to one of our experts,contact ustoday.


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