
By Engaged Expert 史提夫·希耶斯

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用最简单的术语来说,干扰是由从一种能量状态转移到另一种能量状态引起的。就像轻按电灯开关一样,我们期望这种能量的传递是瞬时的。EMC法规,从商业的医学的军事的,基本上都是问如何停止沃尔特ge overshoot or undershoot which takes place during this transfer of energy so that a product can function without interference.

Ask the right questions


  • 这个产品将在哪里使用?
  • 它将干扰什么/谁?
  • 能量如何从产品传递到“受害者”



Take three key factors into account


  1. 屏蔽
  2. 接地
  3. 过滤。

When reviewing the shielding we think of metal boxes or shielded cables – things that provide a Faraday Cage. It is essential to make provision for 360° of complete continuity of the Faraday Cage – from good conductivity of the product's housing to its lid or termination of cables. Once sufficient shielding has been achieved, more energy will inevitably be pushed out via the cabling so appropriate filtering must now be considered. Finally, earthing, or how the energy will travel from a high potential to the earth/ground, must be factored into the equation.

元素经常看到产品失败是因为没有充分考虑这三个因素中的一个或多个。正是因为这个原因,我们现在提供Early Stage Qualification (ESQ®)service to support manufacturers through the complex nature of qualification testing and to allow for a smoother approvals旅程。ESQ本质上是确保屏蔽、滤波和接地在设计过程的早期考虑,而不是在故障更可能发生时在测试点考虑。我们一次又一次地看到,前端的早期投资如何使制造商在达到测试阶段时能够节省大量资金。




而许多国家采用的法规几乎与CE标记, once a product is to be exported it becomes much more likely that mandatory third party testing will also be required. It is therefore vital to consider产品出口地在设计过程中尽可能早地提出建议。为满足不可预见的出口需求而对产品进行后期修改是一项成本高昂且耗时的工作,这是一个常见的错误。

CE标记has now been a legal requirement for over twenty years yet thousands of products still fail every year. Test houses such as Element will continuously be asked to provide guidance and advice on EMC compliance, be it at the beginning or the end of the design process. However, early advice to prevent issues arising later will always be the safer and more cost effective option.

For more information on ESQ and EMC compliance, pleasecontact us或致电英国+44 808 234 1667或美国+1 888 786 7555。


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