
根据ASTM F2129进行医疗器械腐蚀试验

The human body and its immune and inflammatory mechanisms can create an aggressive environment for metallic implants resulting in implant rejection and failure (Gilbert, Corrosion, 2017;73(12):1478-1495). In vitro testing of small implants is typically performed per ASTM F2129 to mitigate these risks. While this testing helps determine implant susceptibility to corrosion, it does not take into account the effects of cells, proteins, and other biological effects that implants will experience in vivo.

尽管有其局限性,ASTM F2129自2001年首次出版以来已经经历了几次修订,以更好地帮助医疗器械制造商评估其小型植入物的抗点蚀和缝隙腐蚀能力。本标准提供了一种在最终形状和表面处理的整个装置上进行循环(正向和反向)动电位极化测量的试验方法。

在下面的部分中,我们将介绍test methods,装置,结果and验收标准used in vitro corrosion testing of small implants.

Test Apparatus

A typical multiport electrochemical test cell is used for testing. It has inflow/outflow ports for the nitrogen gas and heated water circulation, ports for the reference, graphite counter and working/sample electrodes, and an inner chamber for the saline bath.



表1提供了一个简短的术语概要;更多详情请参考ASTM F2129标准。

ASTM F2129腐蚀术语


Samples are prepared for testing and thoroughly inspected. Any preconditioning should be performed as it can impact the behavior of the implants. Conductive epoxy is used as the interface to the sample (specimen holders vary depending on the device type), connected to a potentiostat through a wire, and resistance is checked to ensure good connection. The test cell is filled with saline (minimum of 500 mL, typically 1L), heated to the target temperature, and nitrogen gas flow at 150 mL/min is initiated. Nitrogen gas flow is used to deaerate the solution and lower dissolved oxygen concentration to decrease the potential at which oxidation and reduction currents are equal.

Temperature, pH, and nitrogen gas flow time (30 min minimum) are recorded, then the device is rinsed and inserted in the test cell with the wire. Saline is added into the reference electrode holder, and the electrode is inserted at 5mm or less from the sample, but not in contact with the sample. The nitrogen purge is continued throughout the test. The open circuit test is initiated, and Er1小时后记录。然后,通过设置E以1mv/s扫描速率启动循环极化测试and Efto Er. The cyclic polarization is closely monitored; if a current density increase larger than two decades occurs, voltage is reversed.

When the test is completed, the final temperature, pH, Er,电子b、Ef和Ep被记录下来。将样品从试验中取出并冲洗,将金属丝夹在样品上方约1英寸处,并将样品储存起来,以备进一步的试验后检查。虽然标准没有说明应测试多少样品,但我们通常看到每个表面光洁度有3-8个样品。



ASTM F2129腐蚀图

上面的图表显示了从腐蚀测试结果t of 8 samples of a nitinol device plotted as potential (mV) vs. log current (A). Results show consistency between the 8 samples; the purple data set with the increase in current density is an example of a breakdown potential.


ASTM F2129未定义验收标准,但确定了Eb作为坑形核和生长的关键数据点。因此,E值越高b我s, the more resistant the metal is to pitting corrosion. It is also recommended that Eb将这些值与在体内表现出良好耐腐蚀性的对照装置进行比较,作为参考。设备制造商定义了植入物的验收标准。根据我们的经验,我们可以接受b值通常设置在300 mV以上,并且通常设置在更高的阈值。


We often perform corrosion testing on medical devices to characterize their corrosion potential. If you would like more information about our医疗器械腐蚀试验services, or for assistance with your device’s corrosion and/or fatigue testing,联系我们的专家来讨论我们能帮上什么忙。

Element提供最广泛的医疗设备测试范围,因此如果您正在寻找package testing,microbiological analysis,加速老化保质期试验或EMC/EMI测试,请与我们联系以连接到正确的实验室。

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