





How do you start?


  1. 范围
  2. 目的
  3. Reference Documents
  4. 测试样品
  5. yabo娱乐vip材料和设备
  6. 方法
  7. 验收标准
  8. Exception Conditions
  9. Data Analysis and Documentation Requirements
  10. 参考



FDA发布了一个guidance document2019年12月20日,在预先临界工作台绩效测试信息中的推荐内容和格式,以预热的意见书,可能有助于审查。

范围, Background, and Purpose – What is the goal and why?


  1. To perform testing to evaluate the strength of the partial knee replacement.
  2. To characterize the antero-posterior, medio-lateral, and rotational constraint behavior of a unicondylar knee replacement system.
  3. 该测试涵盖了根据通过在体外环境中的特定负载条件下确定的固有关节设计的运动来定量单个狭窄膝关节置换约束。该测试表征了参考ASTM F1223的前后凹凸,Medio-横向剪切和旋转松弛。将结果与谓词相比进行比较。

Reference Documents


测试样品, Materials and Equipment

The Materials section should outline all of the components that are needed for testing, quantities, and any other relevant information. Maintaining traceability to ensure a clear expectation of what is to be tested is also essential.

An example table is shown below:

Test Protocol Materials Table

Another item that is helpful in the test samples section is the worst-case justification. For the medical device industry, it is critical to identify the worst-case configurations for testing. It is helpful to include this in the protocol along with any有限元分析结果,因为这通常是用户或未来的团队成员在选择特定设备大小的原因中唯一的洞察力。能够理解这些信息有助于快速识别问题或额外风险,并在项目的开头来解决它们。

The Materials section also contains the test equipment or apparatus that will be used. Identifying the load capacities and type of test frame can help ensure that the expected loads are within the calibrated ranges and minimize any equipment variability. General tuning parameters can also be included to reduce any risk. Fixtures and testing environments can be outlined, although they can also be listed in the Methods sections.


The Methods or Procedure sections outline the actual testing steps. They often align with the applicable FDA guidance documents and ASTM or ISO testing specifications. If you are not sure how to get started with this section, the Procedures section in the standards is often the best place to go.

The Methods section should outline the test parameters for the testing project:

  1. 样本准备 - 客户特定的装配说明
  2. Test Configurations
  3. 测试频率
  4. Target Cycles
  5. Target Load Data or Method for Load Selection
  6. 测试环境
  7. 测试率
  8. 控制模式(力/位移)
  9. R Ratios
  10. Waveforms





Data Analysis and Documentation Requirements

The test protocol plan should also include the reporting requirements of your company’s internal reporting procedures. Similar to the methods section, the ASTM or ISO test standards outline the common deliverables for the testing. However, if you also require raw data, specific photographs, or inspections, these should be clearly outlined in this section. Statistical analysis information should also be outlined here for data evaluation.

The regulatory environment you plan on submitting to should also be considered. PMDA in Japan, for example, has different requirements than that of other regulatory bodies and requires additional information and flowcharts. Knowing this in advance will make it easier to capture the necessary data and take proactive measures to mitigate any submission risks.


The References section should list any appropriate references, such as test standards, regulatory guidance, previous test reports, published literature, etc. This section helps identify where the information in the protocol came from and where to access that information for more details.


Once the protocol is completed, we recommend having signature and revision control to ensure that all parties are aware of any changes and to get everyone on the same page. Study owners, local management, and testing laboratory sign offs are common. Additional signatures can be added as required. This ensures multiple people have eyes on the program. A sample signature block is shown below. Depending on internal processes, some protocols have signature blocks on the front page, while others have them at the end.


通常客户购买或开发一套amount of parts and have one opportunity to get testing programs right. There is a substantial difference in testing programs that have testing protocols implemented and those that do not. Always invest in a protocol and test plan. A protocol and plan will mitigate your risk, prevent confusion, set clear expectations, and preserve the necessary information for future reference and use.

元素是ISO 17025认可,并拥有世界上最广泛的医疗设备测试范围之一骨科cardiovascular implants测试到EMC/EMI/product safety testing和生物和包装评估。联系我们to discuss how we can help with your test project.


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Test Protocol Template



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