

克里斯汀丽杉640 x 480 May 2018
By Engaged Expert 克里斯汀丽杉

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Pulsatile durability testing is performed to evaluate an intravascular device’s resistance to fatigue failure.

Intravascular devices are typically placed within straight mock arteries for testing, mounted onto a stent/graft tester and subjected to cyclical pressure pulses. The pulses create a dynamic radial strain in the mock artery that simulates in vivo strain levels that occur due to the expansion and contraction of the surrounding vessel.

Complex intravascular devices

While many device designs are tested using straight vessels, complex device geometries occasionally require the development of custom mock arteries to simulate target deployment sites. If custom mock vessels are introduced, additional validation and feasibility testing are required.


Custom mock artery test apparatus




下面的设置(右图像)用于在等渗盐溶液中以40Hz和37±2°C的8个左心房阑尾封堵器(两个每个驻地)的脉动疲劳试验。每次ASTM F2477-07(2013)和ISO 25539-1:2003 / AMD1:2005(现已纳入ISO 25539-1:2017)进行测试。模拟硅胶容器具有两个段,较小的直径部分和升压较大直径部分,以适应封堵器几何形状。


The table below outlines the main steps of a standard experimental protocol. If custom mock vessels are introduced, additional validation and occasionally feasibility testing take place to ensure that devices are reaching target strain levels.

  1. 检查测试船舶和文件观察
  2. Perform vessel conditioning on the pulsatile test system
  3. 将设备部署到测试船舶中
  4. Inspect devices and document observations
  5. Install deployed vessels onto the pulsatile test system
  6. 用盐水或蒸馏水填充脉动测试系统,并控制温度至37°C
  7. 开始循环并调节平均压力以实现血管直径目标
  8. Adjust volumetric displacement or ΔP to achieve the strain target
  9. 一旦达到目标,开始疲劳试验
  10. Monitor the test daily for target compliance and stability
  11. 根据测试协议检查Interim TimePoints的设备
Designing the right mock arteries

Design requirements for the custom mock vessels are typically obtained from published data in the literature and/or finite element analysis. The two main outputs are vessel geometry and compliance. To simulate physiological vessel compliance, these mock models are often manufactured from silicone as shown below.





In summary, complex device geometries and deployment sites often require the development of custom mock arteries. This complexity added to the test setup requires additional validation to ensure that devices are subject to the desired test conditions.


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