White Paper

CE Marking RED and Type Approval of Radio Products Used in Vehicles

Steve Hayes EMC Expert
By Engaged Expert Steve Hayes

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The Radio Equipment Directive (RED) applies to all radio products that are on the EU market. In the case of vehicles, however, there remains confusion about whether the vehicles fall under the scope of RED.

To provide some clarity on this, the European Commission (COM) published a guidance document (EU RED Guide). While helpful to give more clarity on the scope of RED as applied to vehicles, it does not provide specific guidance to Notified Bodies, manufacturers, and installers of radio equipment into vehicles regarding how to achieve and demonstrate compliance.

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This paper aims to provide definitive guidance to aide a harmonized approach to such assessments, including:

  • Vehicle Type Approval
  • EMC requirements for RED
  • Requirements for radio equipment used in vehicles
  • Approval for non-type Approved vehicles with radio fitted

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