
Understanding Harmonized Standards and CE Marking


The CE Mark allows manufacturers to import and export their products freely within the European Union, with common product design and manufacturing requirements defined within EU directives and/or regulations. By placing the mandatory conformity mark on a product, manufacturers are providing a clear indication that it meets all the requirements of relevant CE marking directive/regulation and therefore should enable free movement within the EU.


The CE Mark does not represent a product has undergone safety testing but rather is a self-declaration from the manufacturer that it meets the directives and regulations that apply to it, thereby achieving one of the EU’s primary objectives of a single market. To achieve this, the manufacturer must carry out a full risk assessment of the product against the ‘essential requirements’ of the directive/regulation. The initial stage of this assessment, the risk analysis, is the process of identifying all the potential hazards associated with the product and the environment in which it is going to be used.

Many of the hazards identified in a risk assessment will be covered by the application of one or more applicable harmonized standards; European standards that have been developed by a recognized European Standards Organisation and cited in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).


By testing to a harmonized standard or standards, published in the OJEU, manufacturers can demonstrate that a product complies with the essential requirements of the directive and gain a ‘presumption of conformity’.


Whilst the duty to carry out a full risk analysis lies with the manufacturer; Element’s experts can provide in-depth advice and support in working through the details of the risk analysis. Each risk identified must have its impact assessed, termed a risk evaluation. This evaluation, combined with the risk analysis, is the risk assessment.



As not all hazards will necessarily be covered in this process, the application of a harmonized standard on its own is not always sufficient for demonstrating compliance. The manufacturer must select and apply the most appropriate harmonized standard, assess if the standard is fully adequate for the product and its environment, and also determine if the product requires additional tests before it can be placed on the market.

统一标准的参考资料在Ojeu发布,制造商应在选择适当的协调标准时使用作为第一个呼叫点来测试产品。但是,由于对最新和最相关标准的测试至关重要,通常要求制造商在Ojeu Journal中查阅其他适用标准的其他地方。etsi和cenelec等标准组织在这个阶段非常宝贵,因为他们提供了对未来标准的工作洞察,这可能包括确定以前不考虑的新危害。



If the manufacturer is using standards that are not listed in the OJEU then they must not forget to add additional time to the compliance process if they are using a Notified Body. While using a Notified Body will inevitably add time to market, it also identifies administrative mistakes that may be picked up by market surveillance authorities later on.

Ensuring ongoing compliance

As new technologies and hazards are identified, harmonized standards evolve and are either amended or revised accordingly. Therefore, it is vital that manufacturers understand their duty to ongoing compliance for their products and keep fully informed of any changes to their product’s relevant standards. When a standard is updated, there would normally be a transitional period where a manufacturer has time to upgrade their compliance information with results from the new standard before the previous version is withdrawn from the OJEU and presumption of conformity is no longer justified.



Unless a manufacturer has a comprehensive understanding of their responsibilities and how to meet them, they must seek expert advice to reduce ambiguity on CE marking requirements.


If you would like to find out more about CE marking a device or request a quote, pleasecontact us today.

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