元件具有进行涂层耐化学性试验的能力,以评估涂层的电阻在各种服务环境中的化学攻击。我们专注于广谱的测试方法,包括ISO 2812-1,Atlas细胞和等温浸没(NACE TM0174),加压的地图集细胞(改性NACE TM0174)和高压灭菌试验(NACE TM0185)。

利用涂料保护的基质variety of and sometimes very hostile chemical exposure environments. Chemical resistance testing of coatings can be used to determine a material’s resistance to chemical attack, which can include, acid, alkali, hydrocarbons, alcohols as well as specific production fluids and area-specific crude oils. Temperature and pressure aspects of the environment may also be necessary to consider.




•ASTM D6943 - 涂层和衬里的浸入式测试
• ISO 2812-1 – Chemical immersion
•NACE TM0174 - 等温浸泡;标准和加压的地图集电池测试
•NACE TM0185 - AutoClave测试


Our coatings chemical resistance laboratories provide testing with numerous chemicals found in typical Oil and Gas industry operating environments. We can consider a wide variety of different chemical types and work to ensure they can be handled safely.

Atlas cell test - NACE TM0174

元素提供了根据NACE TM0174评估涂层的浸没性的Atlas Cell测试服务。我们帮助您评估内部涂层和衬里的材料选择,确定耐化学性,并有资格进行新的涂层,以满足您的特定项目需求。yabo娱乐vip

The Standard Atlas Cell (SAC) tests determine the performance and suitability of internal protective coatings or linings when exposed to the chemically aggressive environment. The test can also assess the coating’s ability to withstand the temperature difference between the internal and external surfaces of a coated substrate, causing the ‘cold wall effect’.


高压灭菌测试 - NACE TM0185

In addition, Element’s coating chemical resistance programs include autoclave testing services in accordance with NACE TM0185. The test involves exposing test specimens to simulated Oil and Gas production fluids and gases (sweet or sour) at elevated temperature and pressure.


Our team of over 5,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.